40 Replies to “Phone Call From A Stranger – Full Movie Bette Davis”

  1. I don't remember watching this. I must have because here I am making a comment on it. Or I would if I could remember any of it. I'm sure I must have watched it though. I don't remember what I was going to say.

  2. Thank you for recording this movie. I have seen parts of the movie many times over the years, but never really knew what was going on since I was always in and out of the room or for some reason couldn't see it from the beginning. Last night I watched the whole movie from beginning to ALMOST end, but I fell asleep 10 minutes before the end. Oh Noooooo. I was so happy to find it on your YouTube account. What a good movie, great story, photography and other special attention paid to production. Oh, and I loved how it ended! Thanks Again! Jane

  3. Powerful movie about unfinished business, the kindness of a stranger, forgiveness and enduring love. The last scene with Bette Davis made me almost cry.

  4. The first two words spoken in the movie: "Airport, hurry", transcribed by the CC as "Therefore, hurry". Technology still lacks perfection.

  5. A cute film laced with some intimate personal stories. The only thing that I found "implausible" was Gary Merrill in the final scenes phoning his adulterous wife and telling her "I'll be on the next plane home, honey" just days after he was 1 of 3 survivors in a disastrous, major airline crash!!!! ????

  6. Love this movie so much. This is the second movie Bette Davis and her husband Gary Merrill made together. The other one is Another Man's Poison. It's a great one too!

  7. Wow! That was really good! Thanks. So kind hearted of Gary Merrill to add those nice tips bits to the grieving families and not so nice Mother in law. And Betty Davis, what can I say? Perfect performance!

  8. All the great actors and actresses. Shelley Winters. Gary Merrill. MIchael Rennie. Keenan Wynn and Beaver's dad Hugh Beaumont. Not to mention Bette Davis

  9. This is truly a wonderful movie for those who appreciate looking into human failings and emotions. It displays both sides of human behavior, both selfishness and the ability to forgive.

  10. Wow this was so good. I almost cried. What a pleasure to find a Bette Davis movie I hadn't seen before and how she shines every single time. The annoying guy turns out to be the best of all..the respectable doc is not so respectable…the run away guy is just whiny…and Bette brings it all together. Brilliant.

  11. Fantastic movie! Great performances and a great storyline. Wasn't crazy about the man who's wife had an affair being shamed and belittled into taking her back. Unless a person comes to the conclusion to forgive on their own without any influence I don't think it'll work long term. That influence from that stranger will fade and you'll soon be reminded of her in bed with another man. Congratulations to the men who can do it. Once she gets in bed with another man I'm done. Give up a great thing for one mistake? How great was it really if they sleep with someone else. Goes for men and women.

  12. She’s like a lighthouse….shining her beam to a stricken ship !
    I hadn’t seen this film ….but so glad I found it!
    The film reminds us all that we all need somebody, we don’t seem to manage when we’re totally alone….
    although we hide the loneliness very well…we are masters of deceit and intrigue.
    So this film makes us think about others..not ourselves, indeed this awful Virus has tested all of us…
    It’s a stark reminder that we all really need each other, wether or not we realise it!

  13. A movie to be seen over and over ????????
    Laughter, tears, regrets and so much love ????
    All the actors are mega stars ✨
    Betty Davis gives another memorable performance ????
    Truly the story of human nature with its multi layer emotions ????????????????
    Thank you so much for inviting us to join you ????????????????????✨????????⛲️

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