49 Replies to “Double Harness 1933”

  1. Oh my… The dysfunction of yesteryear… Loved the sets, the fashion. Don't know why they had to make her look matronly at times… She's beautiful. Thank you for posting.

  2. This movie has two of my old time favorites – William Powell and Ann Harding.
    William Powell plays a role that is a bit different from his usual likeable roles but very enjoyable.

  3. I really enjoyed this movie. Thank you so much for posting it! I was surprised to see that it hasn't been released on DVD yet. Hopefully that will change. William Powell has a huge fan base so I would think there is interest of it being on DVD because of him. I also thought Ann Harding was fantastic, and that Powell and her had great chemistry.

  4. I kinda wish every movie was 1 hr 9 min long. It's just the right amount! One of the reasons why I love pre-Codes so much!

  5. It's such a shame that Ann Harding didn't go on to a big career as a star. She was such a natural, and so intelligent and good to watch. Actors and actresses of the 30's are in my opinion so superior to what we have today. Who could be successfully cast in a movie like this now? Or who would take Myrna Loy's place in (God forbid) a remake of The Thin Man? And amongst her peers, Ann was one of the very best, yet still her career later slumped.

  6. Absolutely loved this movie the first time I saw and taped it.
    William Powell is wonderful and Anne Harding is just so classy!
    So glad it's on YouTube with such good quality!!!

  7. This movie is FANTASTIC. I love the pre-code era, but this is more than about innuendo, it's so … mature, so human, and so true. Hurray for the writers, a gripping script.

  8. OK!  WOW!  Now This is a movie!  I'm a Terrible romantic and this plays right into me having a few tears at the ending!  Thank you for downloading this!

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