THE PHANTOM PLANET (1961) Dean Fredericks Coleen Gray – Colorized

Set in the “distant future” of 1980, an astronaut (Dean Fredericks) is sent by the government to investigate a mysterious asteroid. His ship is caught in a meteor shower, his partner floats away and a tractor beam begins to pull him in. Soon Fredericks is shrunk down to the same size as the asteroids tiny inhabitants. Put on trial, caught in a love triangle (Coleen Gray), and conscripted to fight the terrifying alien (Richard Kiel).


11 Replies to “THE PHANTOM PLANET (1961) Dean Fredericks Coleen Gray – Colorized”

  1. Hello. Could you help me find the name of a movie where there is a scene of an astronaut with a decapitated head floating in space? I think I saw it in the late 1980s, so it must be way back then.

  2. Who approved the monster design? Those "solarites" are from the planet of sad goofy's. (hmm, maybe there's a good name for a band there somewhere?)

  3. The Phantom Planet, now in color looks very good, Doloris Faith, Colleen Grey provide the eye candy, the special effects are CHEEZY,still good movie . Scene this movie at the old Ramona Theater,in L.A., in 1961 with my brother and his friend.

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