40 Replies to “The Trial of Socrates”

  1. People forget more people voted to kill him than voted him guilty. He wasn't killed for his beliefs or reason or wisdom. He was killed negate he refused to beg. He was killed because he was ugly. Had he been beautiful, had he of cried, had he had played the victim, as so many do today, he would have walked out the door. He was right and we still do it today. We still destroy that which we believe could destroy us. Whether based in fact or not. Just look at the US presidential politics for example. One man brought 4 peace treaties the world had said would never happen. The lowest unemployment in US history. The highest bankable income. The other, wrote the drug laws which imprisoned over 300,000 million blacks every year and blacks marched in the streets in support of him. He wrote the privatized prison legislation which allowed states to be fine daily for prisons not being at maximum capacity bankrupting two states. He wilfully and knowingly allowed Pfizer and Bayer to sell AIDS Tainted medications in two countries without repercussion. He Bain rooftop solar while trying to pass legislation which would increase taxes on carbon. Which everything on Earth is carbon including humans. Which means this Paris climate Accord makes Being Human illegaland taxable. He participated in the wilful warrantless spying on Americans. One group burned federal building, killed people, attacked and beat old women in wheelchairs, attacked elderly men in the streets, they are called peaceful protestors while another group ventures into a building and asks why and they are hailed are terrorists. Don't pretend to be a fan of Socrates or care about truth and reason in today's generation, for you whom do are all liars.

  2. ? Its too early for me to listen to these accents! Cant focus! thank God I found it on youtube so i can rewatch on 2x speed to take my test! lmao!

  3. I cant believe they showed this to us in middle school. This was my first introduction to socrates: a guy who was executed for wrong think or something. Not sure how I was supposed to figure out what anyone here was even saying or the deeper meaning to everything he would say at such a young age.

  4. Check your Soul Quotient (SQ)!


    This video explains how a soul is created and nurtured, and how can we quantify them as index, or Soul Quotient (SQ).

    The video talks about the SQs of the 101 representative good and evil people in the human history, including Shakyamuni, Socrates, Lao-tse, Confucius, Gandhi, Plato, Jesus, Spinoza, Augustinus, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Beethoven, Euler, Leibniz, Aristotle, Wordsworth, Mozart, Washington, Russel, Lincoln, Goethe, Einstein, Michelangelo, Curie, Galileo, Darwin, Newton, Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Picasso, Hemingway, Marx, Magellan, Columbus, Hussein, Lenin, Oppenheimer, Alexander, Chingis Khan, Napoleon, Ito Hirobumi, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Hitler.

  5. ……
    Would the wisdom of Socrates be less valuable had he fled judgment to live out his life and die a natural death?
    Could such values be weighed on any scale, and by what measures should we use to tip that scale in our favor?
    As for myself, I can not help but wonder what other gifts of wisdom he could have offered the world.
    Perhaps the true value of wisdom is in its acceptance or rejection.

  6. I honestly think that time has proven Socrates' anti-democracy stance to be correct. It will eventually always result in mob rule, in one way or another. Those in power will listen to the clamoring of the loudest voices, who may represent a large portion of public opinion, and those voices will be wrong. It will just take the right set of circumstances to start such a sequence of events, usually a series of large-scale disasters. Capitalism also must fail eventually in any society, because the concentration of wealth becomes so skewed that the people become fed up and turn on the rich. And then whoever they give power to will have to do what they say, and things become worse because most people only want what is good for them right now, without thought about the future. Just look at an issue like climate change. All of the available data suggests that something has to be done now, and yet there are still many people denying the problem even exists. THAT is the problem with people. They are often stupid. All of these things have happened in the past, and will continue to happen in the future. Many people think that today's modern nations are stable and that nothing will ever change, but I'm sure the Romans and even the Greeks felt the same way, as did all other nations who were around for centuries and who had a good quality of life for many people, compared to other populations. So I imagine that something will also trigger the decline of today's modern nations at some point, and there are numerous possibilities as to what will be the cause.

  7. I am the Socrates II. To the people who seek the genuine truth, I dare recommend without hesitation OnCharm’s book “Human, God, and Truth: Life is the Awakening Process – Amazon”.

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