29 Replies to “Macbeth.1948.Orson.Welles.103Min”

  1. I love the American-Scottish accents!!
    I did this for GCSE English in 1988! Along with Romeo and Juliet I think it's the best play Shakespeare ever did.

  2. Taking online english because you thought it was gonna be easy but turns out the end of the semester is tonight and the last assignment you need to bring your grade up relies on you watching this entire thing✌️

  3. All films and records should be made on a shoestring budget! It works better that way. You get honesty, effort, urgency and integrity, instead of ego trips, tantrums of "stars", delays and exaggeration.

  4. Jeannette Nolan does a perfectly good job as Lady Macbeth, but it's still a pity that we don't have Agnes Moorehead's performance on film. (She had played the part opposite Welles onstage a few years earlier.) Anyone who has seen Moorehead in the few films where she was actually given something to do ("The Magnificent Ambersons", "Dark Passage", "Jeanne Eagels") knows that she was a formidable dramatic actress, fully the equal of Bette Davis and Barbara Stanwyck. It's a sick joke that the only thing she's remembered for today is her vaudeville turn as Endora on "Bewitched". And she could have done THAT one in her sleep.

  5. I have a theory on the Thane of Cawdor "prophecy." My theory is that the Three Witches heard from a source ahead of time that Duncan was going to name MacBeth as the new Thane of Cawdor. The source might have raced to tell the witches what he learned, and since MacBeth and Banquo weren't in a hurry to get to the meeting-place, MacBeth wouldn't have heard the news. He then mistakenly took the witches' words to be prophetic. That would be consistent with the idea of the witches speaking half-truths to MacBeth.

  6. I generally get annoyed at the way Shakespeare is done. I just find it always horribly overacted. But Orson Welles just kills it. This movie is positively frightening. I mean wow. I love Welles' Othello too. Hopefully I'm not being just a dumb American about this.

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