What The Butler Saw (1950) Rare Hammer Film

This era of Hammer films is frustratingly under-representated on DVD. The films are out there amongst collectors, but few of them get shared unless money changes hands. So I thought I’d post this one up complete, in the hope that other fans might do the same with rare titles in their collections, and stop those who don’t own the rights from making a fast buck. Of course, I don’t own the rights either and will remove this video should the copyright holders request so, or if the film actually comes out on DVD. Okay – anyone out there care to post up ‘Celia’, ‘Meet Simon Cherry’, ‘The Adventures Of PC49’ etc.?


40 Replies to “What The Butler Saw (1950) Rare Hammer Film”

  1. You don't need to apologize to anyone. It's just a movie. If others get their underwear aaaallll up in a bunch over a movie, then they have issues. For real. And THANK YOUUU for sharing gems like these. Wishing you a beautiful day!!??????☺️???

  2. The butler was actually a giant ant and he sprayed everybody with ant pheromones and they became confused and psychotic ??????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. That was a cute movie. It was made 70 years ago so it truly is a "foreign" movie! I got a kick how it passed the British Censor Board considering what Ulali was wearing. Maybe it was because the front of her skirt was longer than the back! lol

  4. I watched this movie mire than once and it always feels fresh and new every time. How come they don't make these kinds of movies this good anymore?

  5. as soon as I saw the rhino I shuddered, not for me, hate movies with dead stuffed animals in, thank goodness these neanderthal trophy hunters will become extinct, here's hoping

  6. Fake, why i dont know? As an english man, of a certain age, thus went under yhe radar. I assume, so well done; its BBC. Maybe chanbel four. Its quite amazing. I know its fake because of its precision. Listen to me me nan

  7. I LIKE this.,…delightful., love the ending too., I the old man is my new role model.,…and I envy the butler's future. ,  thank you for posting it.,   🙂

  8. Loved this movie! However, the closed captioning must have been by some sort of automated algorithm that did not account for older English pronunciation and was not edited. There are many mistakes. Some of them are totally inappropriate.

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