30 Replies to “The Return Of Dracula ( 1958 )”

  1. And the two young lovers lived happily ever after with no psychological problems….or not, but good old fashioned Christian propaganda anyway

  2. How in the seven seas l never ever saw or heard about this gem?? Damn!! This is really, really awesome! The atmosphere and the acting are quite decent and the Black and White it keeps that sense of vintage on point ! I’ve watched almost all vampire movies and series ….but this is a novelty….thank you so much …
    “Did you see that fella get off the train?
    -no sir…
    Neither did l”
    — lol…

  3. Good one! Has all the atmosphere you could want including a real cemetery and mausoleum with a convincing interior filmed on a set. Creepy and well done Vampire flick.

  4. Francis Lederer lived to the age of 100. I met him at a screening in Los Angeles when he was (if I remember correctly) 98. I talked to him briefly and found him a very friendly man who, despite his advanced age, was still suave and debonair.

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