The Black Raven (1943) MYSTERY

Stars: George Zucco, Wanda McKay, Noel Madison
Director: Sam Newfield

A group of strangers are brought together in an old, dark house and must contend with two murders and $50,000 in stolen money!


50 Replies to “The Black Raven (1943) MYSTERY”

  1. I watch this movie every now and then, and it always feels like as good as new. Love George Zucco, he's a legend of classic mystery and horror movies.

  2. George Zucco was born in Manchester (England) in 1886!!!….Jesus.I wonder what he would make of the City in 2020…the mind boggles…and he lost two fingers in the First War….amazing what lives people lead………….

  3. Poor Glenn Strange. First, he has to park cars in the rain and some years later he has to dress up as some kind of "monster." Consider yourself lucky! BTW one of the better PRC releases and if that isn't damning with faint praise, I'm not sure what is.

  4. Great cast. George Zucco is always and Byron Foulger is a great sniveling little worm with a great as t line.
    "Why would a woman break into my room?"

  5. If there was one tenth of the talent in Hollywood as there is in these old movies I'd still be going to the theater… George Zucco is a fantastic actor, whether he's playing the owner of an inn, or bedeviling Sherlock Holmes as Professor Moriarty, I never miss a chance to see him!

  6. I had this on VHS for years. George Zucco is great in anything like Lugosi. I don'tthink he gets the notice he deserves. this is good one. my fav is Dr Renault's Secret.

  7. . . . "the smell of garlic and sweat" . . . hmmm.

    Interesting reference. Guess the Black Raven was in the red. If you don't really look, you don't notice that the old place is a bit tattered, 50k could fix it up nicely with change to spare.

  8. Foulger….plays a wimpy guy but in real life he while at
    a party threatened to punch Errol Flynn for flirting with his wife, his wife was the actress Dorothy Adams

  9. Old movies are goody movies. They're better than the shit we have today . Movies were msde with talented minds , and you don't need ass and tits for that.

  10. Movies of this era almost always worked in a young couple in love, no matter how unnecessary it was to the plot. It's remarkable how bland the actors and their characters usually were. But then, this was an era when the studios tried making films that appealed to as broad an audience as possible. Something for everybody.

  11. Not sure who the good gus are and who the bad guys are. $50,000 in 1943 would be worth about &714,000 today dollars. So that was a tidy sum back in 1943.

  12. I love George Zucco in this movie ! He usually plays the villains in his movies, but here. he's suave . sophisticated and debonair ! I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

  13. I love these old B movies. They provide as much great entertainment as A movies. Loved the storm too. Also, The Black Raven is my favorite guilty pleasure.

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