Miss Annie Rooney | Shirley Temple | 1942

A young girl has to overcome social prejudice when she falls for a wealthy young man.
If you would like to purchase this movie, along with all the other movies Shirley made as a teenager in a set, here is a link to my listings.


30 Replies to “Miss Annie Rooney | Shirley Temple | 1942”

  1. While I have enjoyed all her movies when she was under 10 years old, i found that she obviously lost that captivating personality she had as a child actress. As a teenager and beyond, i really haven't cared for her movies, but she was a fabulous child actress!

  2. I thought it was very cute : ) Sweet and simple. Remember these pictures were made because people were down on their luck and a World War was taking place. This story embodies the American Dream. Shirley Temple was so cute. RIP Shirley.

  3. I liked this Shirley Temple movie better than kiss and tell. VERY fairy tale but that's what Shirley Temple movies are known for. That feel good feeling ??

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