Doctor In Trouble (1970) Full Length

Dr. Burke is in love with Ophelia but doesn’t have time to propose to her as she leaves for a cruise to the Mediterranean. Also on board the cruise ship is an old school chum of Burke’s who plays ‘Dr.Dare’ in a very popular TV series and who women flock to. Burke decides to join the cruise, but is first apprehended as a stowaway, and then becomes the captain’s steward. For Burke, trying to talk to Ophelia is a hard enough task, but he meets some funny characters on board, such as a pools winner and a very stubborn captain.

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40 Replies to “Doctor In Trouble (1970) Full Length”

  1. This was fun.
    I will watch Leslie Phillips any time. I just love him! I have been a fan for decades. One lovely Film he did is "In The Dog House" He plays a vet, one of my favourites.
    Leslie Phillips died November 7th 2022. ????
    May he Rest in Peace. ❤

  2. This was supposed to be the worst of the Doctor films according to some, but I don't think so. I suspect they were comparing it to the earlier ones and expected it to be the same. It was 1970, and it reflected more 'modern' times.

  3. Nice sexy movie super????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  4. I accidently watched the this movie when I was a child,finally I found it,though it is only 360p,still one of my favourite comedy movie,I enjoyed it

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