1932 THRILLER Most Dangerous Game ~ stars Joel McCrea and Fay Wray Old Black White Classic Movie

You may find this story creepy! It’s genre is definitely a departure from my usual uploads. Nevertheless, it’s one of my own favorite Classics, and I’m hoping it may become one of yours! Our Movie is called The Most Dangerous Game.
Have fun watching this interesting and quite thrilling 1924 Short Story made into a full-length movie! It’s a definitely a “Great Escape” 😀

Cast: Joel McCrea (Bob [Rainsford])
Fay Wray (Eve [Trowbridge])
Robert Armstrong (Martin [Trowbridge])
Leslie Banks ([Count] Zaroff)
Noble Johnson (Ivan)
Steve Clemento (Tartar)
William Davidson (Captain)
Dutch Hendrian
Hale Hamilton


14 Replies to “1932 THRILLER Most Dangerous Game ~ stars Joel McCrea and Fay Wray Old Black White Classic Movie”

  1. I think I should stop watching this one – saw it many years ago. An acquaintance of mine said he lived thru an experience like this when he was younger Maybe this film was the inspiration. It's more than creepy. I'ts sadistic.

  2. O'Henry, Selznick, Steiner, Wray, McCrea. Of course it's brilliant.The print is superb and has hardly been through a projector in its near 90 years.If only all our classics could be digitally enhanced to bring us this quality.Film people who cared for their craft and didn't have computers to do it for them.

  3. What great actors in this film I'm loving it i seen something like this but it had different actors in it and not quite as good thanks for posting and i just love ur channel

  4. He blew it the first time the guy shot his arrow – A guy as close as that can run up and cut the throat of the archer before he can notch another arrow and take aim or get rid of his bow fast enough to plan another defense – But that would have the picture too short ! Oh well – The folks who saw this first run prob'ly had Betty Boop to watch between pictures ! That makes it all better !

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