30 Replies to “THE LEMON DROP KID”

  1. Channel 9 wgn in chicago use to put it on at Christmas time it is a great movie I have it you can go online with walmart and get it and other great dvds

  2. Haha, this was great. Never seen this before. When I had to sing Silver Bells as a little kid in the 90s, I thought it was as old and classic as Jingle Bells, not from 1951. Quite a surprise to find out that William Frawley was the first person to ever sing part of the song the same year he started I Love Lucy! I've loved that show since I was little!

    I'd love to see the 1934 version but I can't find it anywhere! Anybody have any leads?

  3. Why not make sure that you are truly saved by Jesus Christ and practice
    this way. Remorsefully confess with your heart your sins to Jesus Christ
    who is God and tell Him that you right now are repenting of your sins
    and you want to be born again of the Spirit from above. Tell Jesus that
    you are remorsefully sorry for breaking His commandments and that you
    are begging for forgiveness from Him. Allow His blood from the cross to
    wash away your sins. After this is done with your heart successfully the
    Holy Spirit will come to live within you and He will rebuild you from
    the inside out.

    Look for signs that you are saved. Things like
    spreading the good news from Jesus, getting other people saved, a
    craving for the word of God, reading the Bible, etc… These things are
    known as a calling and fruit bearing. If you're not bearing fruit then
    keep doing it. Sometimes it takes time to get saved. Read Matthew
    chapter 13 from the King James Bible. God bless!!!

  4. I used to watch this as a kid every December in the 70s and 80s on the Family Film Festival hosted by Tom Hatten on channel 5 KTLA in Los Angeles. Haven't seen in it 20 years. Thanks for posting!

  5. I came to this movie post after working with a student on ‘Silver Bells’ to show the youngster the origin of the tune from his Christmas Melodies book. The scene where William Frawley is just hacking the song to bits…

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