Royal Wedding (1951) Fred Astaire – Comedy, Musical, Romance full movie

Tom and Ellen Bowen are a brother and sister dance act whose show closes in New York. Their agent books them in London for the same period as the Royal Wedding. They travel by ship where Ellen meets and becomes involved with Lord John Brindale. This causes her to miss a rehearsal. Tom (Astaire) uses the time to dance with a hat rack and gym equipment. Later Tom and Ellen attempt a graceful dance number as the ship rolls. Upon arrival Tom holds auditions and meets Anne. There is much indecision by the siblings about their romantic partners even though they are in-the-clouds. Tom dances on the walls and ceiling of his hotel room. All ends well in this light musical. By the way, there is a vaudeville-style dance number in their show that features slapstick. It’s a hoot.

Director: Stanley Donen
Writers: Alan Jay Lerner, Alan Jay Lerner
Stars: Fred Astaire, Jane Powell, Peter Lawford
Genres: Classics, Comedy, Musical, Romance

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40 Replies to “Royal Wedding (1951) Fred Astaire – Comedy, Musical, Romance full movie”

  1. 虽然在大陆生长长大,但我对米高梅和派拉蒙公司的电影还有希区考克的电影都感兴趣。像:翠笛春晓,出水芙蓉,傲慢与偏见等等。我的同事说:只可惜你生错了地方……

  2. Here's what I can't understand: the film appears to show scenes from the Coronation (1953) – but the film was made in 1951!! Undoubtedly, the worst dubbed film in human history. I have heard of kitchen-sync drama – but this was post?-Pre? Post? Pre-sync.- drama..??!! But HUGE fun nonetheless!

  3. Good movie. ?? I just have a difficult time seeing them as brother/sister, what with the 30 year age difference. Uncle/niece would have been more believable to me.

  4. With all the delays between the film and the non-synchronizing sounds…
    On top of that from time to time the sarcastic chats…in view ?‼️
    Sorry, but you'll have to restore that first. I won't subscribe under these conditions.. Especially taking in to consideration the utmost talent in this film.
    A. DEE WAI

  5. First time i seen this movie. What makes a great film What a fab film in Glorias Technicolor superb choreography and dance sequences from the master Fred Astair this is a feel good movie great set designs light harted and great music in between the banter these actors look so comfortable on screen.

  6. What is going on with this old movies ?
    Why do they loose the voice.?
    I like this old artists, but better with voice. So be so kind and give them all their voice back. Thank you..???

  7. Looks a million dollars. This is visually stunning compared with others. It's HD supercharged! Damn it's great till 55m & it loses sound then comes back out of sync. It looks great.

  8. wonderful musical movie though bit off time sound with screen, sync. I wonder if I had been from that time. I loved the dancing skill of Fred and the lady Jane Powell.
    moreover, it seems dance or scenes are taken in one shot, which is really really classic and that also shows how great were they in their art. and ladies of that age really looks splendid and awesome.

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