Impact 1949 Brian Donlevy, Ella Raines, Charles Coburn

A unfaithful wife plots with her lover to kill her husband, but the lover is accidentally killed instead. The husband stays in hiding, and lets his wife be charged with conspiracy.


21 Replies to “Impact 1949 Brian Donlevy, Ella Raines, Charles Coburn”

  1. What is a train doing up in the mountains near twisting roads? Didn't make sense. Great to see Charles Coburn (as it always is) in a serious role. Ella Raines is luscious.

  2. Great Show. One refreshing part is that car wreck; good enough. This story is about the story. I enjoy old twisty black and white stories.

  3. I thought this was an excellent movie with good acting and a good script. I'm just getting into the 40's/50's movies but I think they're the best. Thanks for sharing, now I want to find other movies these fine actors were in.

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