25 Replies to “1942 Once Upon a Honeymoon”

  1. This comedy drama has some dark moments. But the scenes with Grant and Rogers are just amazing. They have such wonderful chemistry together that it makes the film worth watching.

  2. I love the part when the BARREN is being told over the radio that the BARENESS was really Jewish & he freaks-out @1:45:25… He really was a likeable character though.  I truly enjoyed this fun & great acting movie ~ Thanks!

  3. Cary Grant movies were always the best… BUT The ads here have prevented me from watching this movie… the Flex Belt one is especially annoying with a sound like something being beaten or whipped … I really don't like feeling like someone is beating me up when I'm trying to relax to a movies like this… good bye

  4. To Larry Singleton, you are right about all this stops in  theese great, and classical movies. I must have found the movie another place, I have not patience to look at scrap. It is sutch a pity, they are spoiling a great movie for monye, — Forgive my English, I am dane and not so good finding the right Words.

  5. I judged the movie by its title and thought it was a light hearted comedy of two newly weds. Turned out completely the opposite and I loved it.

  6. wow what a light title for so many heavy political statements, seems that generation was a lot smarter than present day america at recognizing nazi behavior and motivation

  7. Great movie. Too bad Google has all but destroyed this venue. You Tube is an Ad Whore and a pain in the ass with those time wasting scams "watch movies here".

  8. Mad Max trailer: BOYCOTT movie theaters until the greedy rotten scum stop blocking classic movies. These rotten degenerates have turned the Internet into their own personal Extortion Racket and Ad Whore.

  9. Jeg har rost denne film, som jeg finder både vittig og seriøs.( se nedenfor)  Hvad jer utilfreds med, er de mange irriterende reklamer, som danske firmaer står for. Det er, at drive rovdrift på gode oplevelser.- 12 annoncer gennem hele filmen, pyh ha.

  10. I love this movie, its fun and smart, and I have never seen it before. Nice to find a new / old film. Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers are great together.

  11. Did some research: although the pledge was written in 1892 by Frances Bellamy it was made official the same year this movie was played, 1942! "Under God" was not added until 1954!

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