Cross Country Cruise (1934) Lew Ayres Alice White

The 1934 comedy Cross Country Cruise starring Lew Ayres, Alice White, and June Knight (This movie is public domain) See more Alice at http:/


9 Replies to “Cross Country Cruise (1934) Lew Ayres Alice White”

  1. That was fascinating on several levels. Lots of good characters in a convoluted story. Interesting view of the USA pre-freeway system. Still had unpaved roads. Where is that 'wooden' town with Indians supposed to be? Santa Fe? A number of similarities to IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT.The passengers even sing an old song together. No air-conditioning on the bus! An attractive young woman gets to travel for free in exchange for her companionship!  It's a cozy film and look into the American past of the Great Depression.

  2. Never noticed it before, but Lew Ayres looks a whole lot like John Wayne, not the later John Wayne we're all used to, but the way John Wayne looked in his cheap-o B-Western days. It's too bad Alice White's career went down the tubes. She was a funny gal and was misused. She should have been put in comedies and could have become a more working-class version of Carole Lombard.

  3. This movie deserves a remake….. without the Eugene Pallette character. Pallette is usually fine when he plays a detective or comedic father figure, but here he is just plain annoying. I'll still give the movie a thumbs up, but only because I have a mute button.

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