A Fool’s Advice (1932) – Free Classic Comedy Movies Full Length

An elevator operator invents a machine that he believes can help to defeat a corrupt politician in the city’s upcoming mayoral election.

Director: Ralph Ceder
Writers: Charles Belden, Walter DeLeon,
Stars: Frank Fay, Nat Pendleton, Edward J. Nugent


5 Replies to “A Fool’s Advice (1932) – Free Classic Comedy Movies Full Length”

  1. I recently came to know that Frank Fay was Barbara Stanwyck's first husband and tha
    both Jack Benny and Bob Hope copied his style of walking and opening monologue which is used today by the late night talk hosts.  Unfortunately, he had his demons.
    Thank you for this movie as it was mentioned in Barbara's biography, 'Steel True"
    written by Victoria Wilson.  A very good book all about the early days of Hollywood.

  2. the copyright notice at the beginning of the film say 1927 but the film was released in 1932 with a re-release in 1938? the styles and the cars look like 1927 – 1928 to me but could there be a feature talkie of this quality made in the same year the first talkie – the jazz singer – came out?

  3. I really find Frank Fay very off-putting.  I think it's his general demeanor, and a vague sense or creepiness,  There's something about him that I just don't like, so it was impossible for me to enjoy this film.  Of course, it's pretty downbeat until the end, anyway, but if I could root for Spence it would be easier to watch.  I find his voice very annoying, too.  How he ever married Barbara Stanwyck is beyond me.

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