Eyes in the Night (1942) [Crime] [Mystery]

Captain Duncan “Mac” Maclain is a formidable private detective who happens to be blind; but his other senses are sharper than average. He copes with his sight deficiency by being accompanied by a dog named Friday and a human assistant named Marty.
Mac is asked by his friend Norma to break up a romantic relationship between her seventeen-year-old step-daughter Barbara and a fifty-year-old actor. Mac finds the lover has been murdered and detects his body has been removed from the scene of the crime. The murder leads him to an Axis spy ring.

Directed by Fred Zinnemann, produced by Jack Chertok, written by Baynard Kendrick (book The Odor of Violets), Guy Trosper (screenplay) and Howard Emmett Rogers (screenplay), starring Edward Arnold as Duncan “Mac” Maclain, Ann Harding as Norma Lawry, Donna Reed as Barbara Lawry, Stephen McNally as Gabriel Hoffman, Katherine Emery as Cheli Scott, Allen Jenkins as Marty, Stanley Ridges as Hansen, Lawry’s butler, Reginald Denny as Stephen Lawry, John Emery as Paul Gerente, Rosemary DeCamp as Vera Hoffman, Lawry’s maid, Erik Rolf as Boyd, Barry Nelson as Mr. Busch, Reginald Sheffield as Victor, Steven Geray as Mr. Anderson, Mantan Moreland as Alistair, Duncan’s butler and Friday as Friday the dog.

Source: “Eyes in the Night” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 3 July 2013. Web. 16 August 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyes_in_the_Night.


31 Replies to “Eyes in the Night (1942) [Crime] [Mystery]”

  1. Lots of great character actors of that era and the director is no slouch. The under-appreciated Fred Zinnemann directed High Noon, Oklahoma! (musical), From Here to Eternity, and The Day of the Jackal, to name just four. Thanks TCM for posting this and other enjoyable forgotten classics.

  2. A good movie except for the Blind Guy.  The Defective Detectives were all a rage for a few Hollywood production and distribution companies.  It got even worse in the 60s with Vietnam.  Nowadays they don't even have Comedy shows on Iraq or Afghanistan… but they're coming soon !!  Just like M*A*S*H* and McCale's Navy – They're Coming Soon !! 

  3. Step mother reminds me of the beautiful Helen Hunt.  I hate Donna's character, lol.  "Paul, let's stay in at your apartment"….. SLAP!!

  4. Very good movie so is "The Hidden Eye". Has Lt tragg (Ray Collins) of Perry Mason fame in it. The director isn't Mercedes McCambridge, think Rock Hudson's sister in Giant that was Mercedes

  5. Really BORING and drawn out plot! Oh, a BLIND man can do so very much – except move the ever so slow lava flow plot along even a bit faster! Gave up at minute 45:12 of this BORING, BORING, BORING hour and 19 minutes BORING film! LIFE IS TOO TOO SHORT TO WASTE IT UPON THESE BORING OLD B-MOVIES!!!

  6. Great movie!  Donna Reed was so beautiful and Ann Harding is GORGEOUS.  Donna Reed's character is a real witch for most of the movie.  She was a great actress, and very underrated, I think.  imho

  7. I can't tell you how many times I've watched this particular movie but I love it more and more each time. You see the man that played the blind man reminds me a lot of an old friend that has passed away his name was Tony any he had so much of the same characteristics the actor that played that part. Tony even look like the actor believe it or not.
    But for the rest of the movie and the actors and actresses they did a great job
    tpp. Thanks for putting this movie Up. And in the future I'll probably watch it again there's just some movies you can't get enough of

  8. The black butlers offence at Friday bringing his masters pipe, what an example of the perception of black people at that time. "He's takin' my job, what next a black prez!'

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