33 Replies to “This Is My Affair (1937)”

  1. This is My Affair (1937) Barbara Stanwyck (Ruby Catherine Stevens), Robert Taylor,& a cameo by John Carradine.

    I'm glad I pushed myself to the last 3rd of this movie, that is when I became glued. Ruby was a natural!

  2. I absolutely LOVE Barbara Stanwyck movies. I can't think of anyof her movies that I didn't like. She was a great actor !! I saw some comments saying she didn't sing well. I liked her singing . She wasn't best known for her singing . but she could hold her.  In the movie  "Lady of Burlesque" she was great , her energy, presence, and beauty made the movie. When she sang "Play It On The G-String" she blew everyone away then and when I see now I still love it! I'm sure I speak for many others.  LOVE HER!!!  🙂

  3. Entertaining. The bank robbery sequence was laughable by today's standards of authenticity. The actors who played McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt looked very much like the actual presidents.

  4. Stanwyck did her own singing in a couple of movies, but was usually dubbed…. she did her own singing in "Banjo on my knee" and "Lady of Burlesque".

  5. Don't let the title of this move fool you folk.
    Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck both played excellent parts in this move but Barbara Stanwyck sucks as a singer.

  6. Wouldn't it be nice if "The Bitter Tea of General Yen" was uploaded. i haven't seen that in years, and Barbara Stanwyck was so sexy. I can't believe Robert Taylor married her but refused to see this.

  7. I think I would have liked Stanwyck better if her voice hadn't been so annyingly gravelly or as if she had sinus problems! Probably smoked like a chimney!

  8. I like old movies that have a story about an even earlier time. In this movie from 1937, the story is about the year 1901. So you have to figure that many people in this movie were alive and remember the era they were acting about. I always learn something when I watch a movie like this, although you have to watch out for the fact that they may make historical mistakes. In this movie, Robert Taylor went into Barbara Stanwyck's bathroom and turned on the water. I didn't know they had running water in 1901, I thought that came later. Now I will have to look into that. And then there is the part where Teddy Roosevelt wanted to contact the prison warden to stay Robert Taylor's execution, so he took out his cellphone and asked Cortana for the number of the prison. Just kidding! lol.

  9. This is a fabulous woman who overcame odds most of us would never dream of and became a great actress, philanthropist, a woman with great humility and even wisdom… orphaned at 2 years old to one of the most famous women in show business and otherwise. I have a great regard for the force of her great spirit and her ability to endure so much! And, oh how could she act! She is truly one of the greats!!!!!

  10. Love Barbara Stanwyck in anything. She stole the spotlight from anyone she acted with. Interesting that she was one of the few Republicans in Hollywood at that time and a very conservative one at that!

  11. thx for this, my favorite actor, is ms. stanwick, love the movie but something didn't feel right for the time period it was in and i figured out that during that time period there was certain social behavior among the classes, like "bust a gut" loud laughter at social gatherings was reserved for the lower class in the pubs not at party with the type of ppl. that would attend engagements with the President. and little things like the hand buzzer wasn't invented then , the clothes the 36:50 part the guys in the room with guns had hats on from the present day. the wardrobes were completely different back in those days, and the most significant thing is that is was written using the words and actions for the current day not the time period of the movie. this must be some of the reasons the critics were unimpressed. but i love it anyway.

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