44 Replies to “Curly Top 1935”

  1. It was really great that Shirley got to perform with many actors that she knew from film to film. It probably made her career seem more like a family than a profession.

  2. The people who dislike are probably internet trolls with no life whatsoever. Someone like Shirley Temple only comes once in a lifetime. This child was darling, indescribable, it's frightening that one single child could have been all those wonderful things.

  3. I bet these Shirley Temple  movies really helped people through the Great Depression.. They help me when I'm depressed. Thank you for the upload.

  4. Young Elizabeth Blair (Shirley Temple) lives at the Lakeside Orphanage, a dreary, regimented place supervised by two decent but dour women. Her older sister Mary (Rochelle Hudson)
    works in the kitchen, laundry, and dormitory. Elizabeth is a sweet
    child but her high spirits often lead her into trouble with the
    When the trustees descend on the orphanage for a tour of inspection,
    Elizabeth is caught playfully mimicking the head trustee and is
    threatened with being sent to a public institution. Young, rich,
    handsome trustee Edward Morgan (John Boles)
    intervenes. He takes a liking to Elizabeth and, in a private interview
    with the child, learns that most of her life has been spent obsequiously
    expressing her gratitude for every mouthful that has fallen her way. He
    adopts her but, not wanting to curb Elizabeth's spirit by making her
    feel slavishly obligated to him for every kindness, he tells her a
    fictitious "Hiram Jones" is her benefactor and he is simply acting on
    Jones's behalf as his lawyer. He nicknames her "Curly Top." Meanwhile,
    he has met and fallen in love with Elizabeth's sister Mary but will not
    admit it.
    Elizabeth and Mary leave the orphanage and take up residence in Morgan's luxurious Southampton beach house. His kindly aunt, Genevieve Graham (Esther Dale), and his very proper butler Reynolds (Arthur Treacher) are charmed by the two. Elizabeth has everything a child could want including a pony cart and silk pajamas.
    Mary secretly loves Morgan but, believing he has no romantic interest
    in her, she accepts an offer of marriage from young navy pilot Jimmie
    Rogers (Maurice Murphy). Morgan is taken aback but offers his
    congratulations. Hours later, Mary ends the engagement when she realizes
    she doesn't truly love Jimmie. Morgan then declares his love, reveals
    he is the fictitious "Hiram Jones", and plans marriage and a long
    honeymoon in Europe with Mary.

  5. one of my newfound favorite shirley temple films along with the little colonel…this movie is so sweet and John Boles was such a handsome , talented, and sweet guy and I loved how it turned out in the end….they sure don't make movies like this anymore!

  6. This was always my favourite Shirley Temple movie when I was a kid. It's still as good rewatching it years later. She was super cute at this age, and the whole cast in this one was great.

  7. 「捲捲頭」從年輕演到老。故事簡單,不簡單的是「捲捲頭」秀蘭‧鄧波為孤兒院義演,大秀才藝(54:20),唱出人生成長、成年、結婚與老去等各個階段。看過捲捲頭穿長禮服、婚紗與扮演老婆婆?或是邊舞邊跳繩?在鋼琴上大跳踢踏舞?這裡全都有。

  8. 父母原是馬戲演員的鄧波與大姊洛秋‧哈德遜,因父母車禍雙亡而入住孤兒院,但因院方規矩呆板苛刻,與活潑多動的姊妹倆格格不入,衝突不斷,還遭院方威脅要把他們送往公家機構嚴加管教。

  9. 一天捐款資助該院的信託基金會成員到孤兒院探視,其中最有錢的是遺產繼承人兼黃金單身漢約翰‧鮑歐斯,他對捲捲頭姊妹花十分欣賞兼同情,於是慨然收養,安排她們入住他的夏日渡假屋。經過朝夕相處,鮑歐斯與哈德遜漸生情愫而終成眷屬。

  10. 鄧波的神駒小馬深夜在戶外淋雨,鄧波不捨,示意牠入室避雨,不意小馬悟性特高,自動自發人模人樣地登堂入室上床蓋被睡覺(7:23)。同樣情景也發生在「小上校」一片裡。鄧波爺爺家小狗跳上床陪睡,才把媽媽不在身邊的鄧波,哄得乖乖安然入夢。

  11. Edward is so darn cute, handsome and lovely! ??❤?He kinda reminds me of Spy (TF2), Mr. Fizz (KND), Maxwell (Don't Starve) and Dr.Cockroach (MvA).

    And I love that Elizabeth kissed Edward's cheek as a wake up call. ☺️

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