49 Replies to “Dragnet 1967 Season 4 Episode 2”

  1. Great show!! I used to watch it all the time. Jack Webb did an outstanding job as Joe Friday. Unintentionally funny how every time he makes a point, they play that music, LOL

  2. at approximately 0:25 In the introduction, a theater marquee is shown with the movie “speedway” with Elvis Presley. I looked it up And that movie was released in June 1968.

  3. There's more to this than just a police show. Press Read more.
    Jack Webb saw which direction California was going in and he dedicated himself to change the direction.
    The LAPD realized that and he was buried with full honors befitting an LAPD detective, including a 17-gun salute.
    He was offered to play the part of the college dean in the Film "Animal House."
    He turned it down.
    He was closely identified with law and order, in particular police officers, and he felt that the film would depreciate that.
    He allowed Harry Morgan to show his own sense of humor when he co-starred with him on Dragnet.

  4. Just watching on MeTV right now, it's REALLY cool to see the movie marquee for Elvis' 1968 movie, Speedway, I noticed the last time that I watched (And I'm SURE most times that I've seen this episode???) and just reminded of it again…ok, back to the show, this is it!!!!!!!

  5. So camp!!!!! Love it. Takes me back to my childhood. My kids think the whole thing is a major put on- fake. Grandkids won't watch it.

  6. same old high school ensemble cast– the cases are real and realism is important to the show– then why the same actors in different roles– very strange.

  7. Emily Banks (the teacher they interview) was supposed to be the witchybitch in this episode "lecturing" the "catholic" Friday. There is utter madness oozing out of that woman's face when she acts – highly likely they actually had dragged her into "circles" or some such; her filmography is full of Faex-Mundi-shows. And she's is still "alive" (born 1933) …
    Generally, this episode explains George Romero's Night of the Living Dead as their doing – and thus, in retrospect, makes clear that it was from the get-go a Faex-Mundi-movie/idea. And they're rubbing it in with winkwinknudgenudge quite unsubtly … they had practised much better subtleties in earlier episodes; guess the filth behind this show really wanted their ilk to "get the message" (and/or they thought the "resistance" they took for as dumbdumb as they themselves were would think this episode be "foaming-at-the-mouth" by the makers of Dragnet over that Romero-flick – but nobody ever fell for that "interpretation"; also they tried to create the impression that this Dragnet-show was "by the Catholics" – an utterly grotesque idea, based on the Friday-actor allegedly being Catholic – the witchybitchies tried to make the propaganda that "the Catholics" were "angry" over NotLD, and did this episode "in wrath"; partially, the bitches and lurchies then still may have thought they could bring about some wrong take of a schism amongst Catholics, and that these were allegedly the schisming ones).

  8. 1:38 "Boss is captain Hugh Brown. Bill looks like he's on angel dust again. Uh oh, he just told everyone he was Jesus Christ and jumped out the window. We're on the 5th floor. It's my job to alert the custodial staff…"

  9. 0:39
    Joe Friday: Life in Los Angeles is fast and convenient, it's a great place to live.
    Let me reverberate: Life in Los Angeles used to be fast and convenient, now it's sinking down really fast and became more inconvenient than ever! It is a great place to life just don't live on the east side. Take from me, born and raised there myself.

  10. An APB murder suspect is spotted in a public library and two detectives take the time to drive over and collar him themselves, instead of alerting a patrol car. Jack fell down a little on realism here.

  11. Nice. A episode I had not seen before. Seems same one pop up in my feed so stopped watching them. Being CA they observed him in mental house for how long? Unless life which takes up space for curable ones hope transferred to big house for double murder. Two weeks since argument hiding of rifle,lying and fleeing afterwards show premeditation.

  12. Jill Banner was a Beauty!
    those Blue eyes!!
    at 35, she was hit driving her Toyota car, and thrown from the vehicle. She was pronounced dead at the scene. so sad, so beautiful.

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